Google has verities of work space tools and services that are very useful. Over the years, the number of Google account users has greatly increased beyond doubt. If you are looking for a way to delete your previous or newly created Google account, here are two (2) different ways to delete your Google account.

In this article, you’ll learn how to effortlessly delete your Google account in step-by-step guidelines using two (2) methods (Google App and Browser).

Warning: Deleting your Google account is permanent. This means you’ll lose access to all associated data, including emails, contacts, photos, files stored in Google Drive, and more. Make sure you have a backup of any crucial information before proceeding if your actually want to do it.

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How to Delete a Google Account 

For some reasons best known to the Google account owner, they might want to delete the account.

Deleting a Google account will automatically stop that Google account from existing and you’ll lose your data saved to the Google account if they are not backed up or extracted. However, it will just look like taking it down like it never was created.

Although, there are several consequences you should be ready to overcome if you delete your Google account.

These are simple ways to delete your Google account by yourself without requiring extra help. Below are the two (2) easy ways with steps you can follow to delete your Google account on your Android phone.

Delete Google Account on Android Using Google App

On your Android phone menu screen, you’ll find the Google app. With this app, you can access your Google account and related services associated with the account. To delete your Google account using the Google app, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Go to Google App

How to Delete Your Google Account on Android Using Google App - Go to Google App

How to Delete Your Google Account on Android Using Google App – Go to Google App

On your Android phone menu screen, quickly scroll down and Open Google app.

Step 2: Tap your Profile Icon

How to Delete Your Google Account on Android Using Google App - Tap your Google Account Profile icon

When you’ve opened the Google app, at the top right corner of your screen, tap the Google profile icon to expose other actions to take.

Step 3: Select Manage Your Google Account

How to Delete Your Google Account on Android Using Google App - Select Manage Your Google Account

Select the option Manage Your Google Account and wait a second to display other actions.

Step 4: Tap on Data & Privacy

How to Delete Your Google Account on Android Using Google App - Select Data & Privacy

Tap on Data & Privacy tab to see other options that follows and gradually scroll down to More options and select Delete your Google Account.

Step 5: Select Delete your Google Account

How to Delete Google Account on Android: The Correct Ways

Select Delete your Google Account and following the onscreen instructions to immediately delete your Google account and data without leaving anything behind.

Deleting your Google account using the Google app is so easy. But you have to be very sure that you want to take such action to avoid regrets sooner or later.

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Delete Google Account on Android Using Browser

The alternative way to delete your Google account is through your browser (Chrome or any other) and this is how to do it right.

Step 1: Visit

On whichever browser you are using, visit and log in to the Google account you want to delete.

Step 2: Select Data & Privacy

How to delete your Google account on Android - Select Data & Privacy

Select Data & Privacy

When you are logged in, select Data & Privacy tab to continue.

Step 3: Tap On Delete your Google Account

How to delete your Google account on Android - Select Delete your Google Account

Delete your Google Account

Scroll down to the More options section and select Delete your Google Account and following the onscreen instructions to immediately delete your Google account and data.

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Deleting your Google account can be a big decision, but sometimes it’s necessary. Whether you’re starting fresh, concerned about privacy, or simply want to move on.

These are the two (2) easy ways to quickly delete your Google account on your Android phone.