Summer’s Here! Avoid the Learning Hurdle with Digital Bootcamps

The long-awaited summer break is here! While that brings with it sunshine and freedom, it also presents a potential educational black hole. Research shows students experience the infamous “summer slide,” losing on average a month’s worth of knowledge. This slide hits maths skills especially hard, with students forgetting an average of 2.6 months’ worth compared to 2 months in reading.

“Summer holidays are a golden opportunity to nurture a child’s natural curiosity,” says Julian Goldie, owner of Goldie Academy. “Digital bootcamps offer a structured and engaging way for them to explore new interests, develop valuable skills, and get a head start on their future.”

What are digital bootcamps?

Digital bootcamps are online courses focused on specific skill development. They typically run for a set period – a week, a month, or even the whole summer – and offer age-appropriate learning modules delivered through videos, interactive games, and live or pre-recorded sessions.

How do they benefit children?

Bootcamps are a great way for kids to dive into subjects like coding, animation, digital art, and music production. “Imagine your child not just consuming content but actively creating their own animations or composing their own music!” Julian says.

This exploration can spark a lifelong interest in these areas, and along the way, they’ll develop crucial skills like problem-solving and digital literacy – essential tools for the future. Mastering new skills through bootcamps also boosts confidence and teaches kids to take charge of their own education.

Finding the Perfect Bootcamp Fit

When choosing a digital bootcamp, consider your child’s age, interests, and learning style. Does your child dream of building their own video games? Look for a coding bootcamp. Are they the artistic type? Explore animation or digital art options. Perhaps they have a hidden musical genius waiting to be unleashed – there are even music production bootcamps! “Whatever your child’s interests are—there’s a bootcamp for everyone,” Julian points out.

Once you understand your child’s inclinations, you can find a bootcamp that perfectly aligns with their learning style, whether they thrive in fast-paced environments or prefer a more relaxed approach.

Looking for a Bootcamp? Explore Your Options!

The UK government offers free digital bootcamps across various fields, providing valuable resources to help you find the perfect fit. You can explore courses by location and skill area using the government’s Skills for Careers website.

For more guidance on where to begin, the UK’s National Careers Service offers information and advice on careers and training, including digital bootcamps.

These resources, alongside online directories like CourseCompare, can help you discover even more bootcamp options.

“As I said, digital bootcamps are a fantastic way to keep your child’s mind engaged, develop valuable skills, and set them up for a bright future – all from the comfort of home,” Julian concludes with. So this summer, embrace digital learning and watch your child blossom!