The average person in the US has a carbon footprint of approximately 20 metric tons per year, an amount that can be greatly reduced by embracing green living practices. Daily commuting, business travel, and daily necessities cause releases of CO2. The figures are even more shocking considering that the world average is just four tons. You don’t need to change every aspect of your life to make a difference. For instance, if you have to travel for work, taking plane rides or your own vehicle may be non-negotiable. However, you can make a big difference to the state of the Planet in three main ways.

Embracing a Plant-Based Diet

Meat accounts for nearly 60% of all greenhouse gases emitted by the entire system of food production. This percentage includes the transportation of products, the use of farming machinery, and the application of fertilizer to land used to feed livestock. The industry essentially causes 35% of all global emissions. Adapting to a vegan or even a ‘reducetarian’ lifestyle can help battle global warming while also boosting your health. Reducetarianism involves reducing (not eliminating) the number of animal products (such as meat and dairy) one consumes, without cutting these items out completely.

Driving an Electric Vehicle

Electric vehicles (EVs) produce much lower emissions over their lifetime than conventional vehicles with internal combustion engines Studies have shown, for instance, that EV emissions are 43% lower than those of diesel vehicles. If you drive long distances, there are many ways to increase your EV’s battery charge. These include not charging the battery past 80 per cent and not letting it drop below 20%, removing excess weight, and keeping tires inflated. During the winter, know that the range of your EV could drop. You can counter this effect by using a connected smartphone app to preheat your EV’s interior while it is still plugged into the electrical grid. This will enable you to start your journey with heated interiors and a fully charged battery.


Changing the Way You Perform Daily Chores

Did you know that 90% of the electricity produced by washing clothes can be attributed to using hot water? If you wash just 50% of your loads in cold water, you can save around 72 lbs of CO2 per year. Instead of drying your clothes in a machine, rack-dry them and slash around 723 lbs. When you are not using devices like TVs and home entertainment systems, turn the power off. They continue to pump CO2 when they are off because of features such as clocks and ‘standby’ modes. When it is time to replace kitchen and other equipment, opt for Energy Star models. An Energy Star fridge, for instance, can save you over 500 lbs.

Leading a green lifestyle involves changes, some of which are easier than others. You can make a big difference by eating less meat or going vegan. Driving an EV will also considerably reduce your CO2 footprint, as will making changes to home equipment and the way you use it.

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