Unlocking Instagram Success: ”8 Tips To Boost Your Follower Count” is your A to Z guide to the lively world of this social platform. From creating content that gets your audience’s attention to interacting with your audience to fully utilizing Instagram and maximizing it to the best of its abilities, these tips are written to give you ways to create a solid and real following. It is time to turn your Instagram profile into the result you have been striving for.


Tip 1: Optimize Your Profile


An aesthetic and accurate Instagram page helps attract followers and keep them engaged. However, an optimally good profile is impressive and helps transmit the right signals about your brand to the interested audience.


Key Elements to Include in Your Profile


Profile Picture: Select an appealing and easily recognizable image relevant to the scope of your activity or personality. This could be a logo for business organizations, while for individuals, it is likely to be a professional photograph.

Bio: Create a simple but attractive headline informing the readers who you are and what you are about. Proper keyword and hashtag research must enhance an item’s visibility.

Website Link: Make the link ‘clickable’ to lead viewers to your website or any preferred webpage. Examples of links that one should use include Linktree.


Writing Guidelines: Bio That Demands Attention


Be Clear and Concise: Your bio has 150 characters only so don’t waste any breath and add all your substance. Convey precisely what you do and what you provide to consumers.

Use Emojis: Emojis can make your bio more appealing when you use one and make it quick to pass the message.

Include a Call-to-Action (CTA): Make them do something. Next, call them to action, tell them to visit your website, follow the account, or consume the content.


Tip 2: Use Relevant Hashtags


The hashtags are essential in ensuring visibility and turnout on Instagram accounts. Hashtags help sort your content and make it available for others to find, increasing your followers exponentially.


The Role of Hashtags

  • Increase Reach: Hashtags are helpful because they allow other users who don’t necessarily follow you to see your content, which can be relevant to them.
  • Enhance Engagement: The posts with hashtags become more popular and attract more likes, comments, and shares than the posts without hashtags.
  • Build Community: Twitter handles /tags help identify users and groups of interest in any given niche.


Tips for Choosing the Right Hashtags


Avoid Banned Hashtags: This has the potential of getting your content deleted and your content hidden from search results in case you use banned hashtags. One should also ensure that they check the current banned hashtags list.

Stay Relevant: Make sure that you use only relevant hashtags for your post. Adding the wrong hashtags will cause the post or update to receive fewer engagements and may even be irritating to follower prospects.

Avoid Overused Hashtags: Simple tags such as #love or #instagood are considered to be quite popular and thus extremely competitive. Although they help to boost the number of people who view the page or post, they decrease interaction because accounts get cluttered.

Create Branded Hashtags: One idea is that developing a new, specific hashtag that is associated only with your business might be effective. This can increase brand familiarity and/or initiate user-generated content.


Tip 3: Post Consistently


Thus, the main idea is to consistently post and engage with the audience to develop a stable followers’ audience on Instagram. Consistent posting helps to attract more views to the Reel and keep your audience engaged.


The Importance of Consistency


Building Trust: This ensures that the different updates display that your account is active and thus worthy of following.

Maintaining Engagement: To solve this issue, one should post frequently to remind the audience of the account’s existence.

Boosting Algorithm Favor: On this day, it is important to note that Instagram rewards activity, and the more you post, the more likely your content is to appear on the Explore page.

Frequency: It is advisable to post at least 3-4 times a week to ensure that your audience is engaged. Accounts that update frequently may get more engagement.

Timing: Submit at times when the audience is most likely to be using the website or social media platforms. Overall, mornings and evenings are considered the rush hours. Look at Instagram insights for data indicating when your audience is most likely to be online.


Planning and Scheduling Tips

To maintain consistency, consider these strategies:


Apart from getting to know more people and getting more followers, Instagram Stories is a perfect way of contacting more people at once. Stories have more than 500 million active users per day; it is one of the best chances to share something with the audience in brief and temporary content.


Content Calendar: In addition, in order to organize your posts – make a monthly content calendar to know what to post when. This helps in ensuring that the monotonous flow of content is broken, once in a while, a topic with more numerous keywords is published.

Scheduling Tools: It is recommended that you use Later or Hootsuite to plan your posts’ output. These tools facilitate searching how often and when you want to be on the page.

Batch Creation: To achieve efficiency, one should plan to develop several posts at once. This can help ensure that one always has a piece to share with one’s audience.

Engage Between Posts: However, it is recommended that you remain active in the rooms even if you are not posting any content by liking, commenting on, and even participating in other people’s posts that are within your niche. This makes your account active, and in case other users are searching for friends, they may come across your account.


Tip 4: Utilize Instagram Stories


Instagram Stories are also a perfect opportunity to expand your followers and reach more people simultaneously. With more than 500 million active users per day, they are one of the best chances to share something with the audience in the form of brief and temporary content.


Benefits of Using Instagram Stories

Here are some key advantages:


Increased Visibility: This makes Stories located at the beginning and end of the Instagram main feed, making them easily noticeable when the users open the application.

Real-Time Engagement: The great thing about stories is that you can address your audience instantly, making the communication appear more personal.

Highlighting Content: The Stories you consider critical can be promoted to the Highlights section on the profile, where they will remain even after 24 hours.


Creative Ways to Use Stories

Engage your audience with these creative Story ideas:


Behind-the-Scenes Content: Get People Engaged: Share an opening of your day or an upcoming project. This creates a familiar relationship with your targeted customers.

Q&A Sessions: Incorporate the hosting of Q&A sessions to engage with your followers directly. This can assist in responding to their questions and also advertise for you.

Tutorials and How-Tos: Use Stories for brief instructions or help related to the related industry. This will be useful to your followers and add value.


Tip 5: Engage with Your Audience


Communication is essential in enhancing audience loyalty and ensuring that more people follow you or buy your products. Engagement makes the audience feel like they are part of a community, which helps retain them and organically grow the number of followers.


Hosting Giveaways and Contests


Contests and freebies are among the best strategies that you can use to improve the level of engagement and follower count. Here are some benefits:


Increases Engagement: Other uses and competitions are obtained for the audience to like, share, and post in your post’s comment section, thus raising engagement.

Attracts New Followers: When a user tags friends or shares updates per the contest rules, the account is brought into the limelight.

Enhances Brand Awareness: These activities can help build brand awareness since people will associate your brand with the activities being done.


Be sure to make your contests and giveaways adhere to Instagram policy to avoid running into any problems.


Tip 6: Collaborate with Influencers


Influencer marketing is a practical approach to reaching the target market via opinion leaders affiliated with a brand. Collaborating with influencers to share content can significantly increase your following, as it makes the new content known to a new group of people.


Knowing Influencer Marketing


Defining Influence Marketing is a working model by which the company works with the assistance of individuals with many followers on the Instagram platform. These influencers can help you:


Increase Visibility: More people see your content and will have a chance of exposing it to different demographics.

Build Trust: People trust influencers with whom they have developed a bond; thus, their recommendation will help establish credibility for the brand.

Drive Engagement: Collaboration with influencers effectively creates content that can attract attention since it is from personalities that the followers trust.


Finding and Reaching Out to Influencers

Here are some tips to identify and approach influencers within your niche:


Research: Upfluence and Influencer Marketing Hub are some platforms to search for influencers related to your industry.

Assess Their Engagement: Do not focus merely on the number of followers, however, aim mainly at a target with higher engagement.

When choosing the right influencer to work with, you must consider specific things. Social Blade and similar services make monitoring engagement rates possible.

Personalize Your Outreach: When interacting with the influencers, use a formal approach. Enumerate why you believe the collaboration would enrich both parties and how this relates to their content.


Ensure there is written and mutual understanding, especially regarding what is expected to be delivered in the partnership.


Tip 7: Utilize Instagram Ads


Instagram Ads are one of the best ways to gain new followers and exposure to new audiences. Well over one billion people use the application, which means it reaches many users when showcasing the brand to potential followers.


The Effectiveness of Instagram Ads

Instagram Ads can help you:


Expand Your Reach: It is possible to place advertisements where users can view them based on their age, sex, preferences, and actions online.

Boost Engagement: Good ads generate likes, comments, and shares, which makes the post or page more visible than it would have been had it not been advertised.

Attract Followers: Besides fame, ads turn the spectators into followers of your page and interest in your posts.


Creating Engaging and Effective Ad Campaigns

To ensure your ad campaigns are successful, consider the following tips:


Define Clear Objectives: Specify the objective you want for your ad campaign; it could be goals such as increasing followers, traffic to your site, or sales.

Craft Compelling Visuals: Choose appropriately high-quality images or videos that will grab the audience’s attention. Platforms such as Canva can be used to create nice-looking content on short notice.

Write Engaging Copy: The message copy should be brief, persuasive, and contain information on where and how to get the product (purchase information).

Utilize Instagram’s Features: To start with, exotic Instagram ad formats, including Stories, Carousel, and Explore, should be used.


Tip 8: Share High-Quality Content


Engagement is central to using Instagram, and it requires that the user post high-quality images. Since it is a visual platform, your posts will either be effective in getting you the following you want or the opposite.

The Importance of High-Quality Content

High-quality content helps you:

Capture Attention: Great profiles, lovely pictures, and tags lead people to subscribe to the account.

Build Credibility: High-quality content free from bias gives your content a professional touch that makes the intended brand more trustworthy.

Increase Engagement: It is generally well received and consequently attracts more likes, shares, and comments hence higher engagement rates.

Staying True to Your Brand: Maintaining a cohesive aesthetic and staying true to your brand is vital for creating a strong and recognizable presence on Instagram:

Develop a Visual Style: Develop a design concept that portrays your corporate image. This concept can include colour tones and filters as well as the general theme and mood of the content.

Be Consistent: Be very keen to make sure that every post you post reflects the brand’s visuals and values, hence professionalism.

Show Authenticity: Consumers appreciate the truthfulness and credibility of content, and such materials elicit a positive response among consumers.




Combined with the eight tips described in this guide, which include refining the personal account and using Instagram Stories up to using genuine accounts for posting and analyzing the performance, improving the account’s visibility and receiving a devoted following is possible. 


Just bear in mind that the options should always be consistent with the organization’s objectives while being creative at the same time. While using all these approaches, ensure that you are testing out the approaches now and again to ensure that you are at the next level and benefit from Instagram as it is designed. 

Author bio


Stella Grace is a content developer and marketing manager at Riselikes.com. She has written more trending articles on social media and has a handful of experience in delivering engaging content.